As Maranatha seeks to follow the biblical command of missions, it is our desire that we not only participate in foreign missions, but we also participate in local missions. According to Acts 1:8 it is important that we are witnesses in Jerusalem (local); Judea (other towns near us); Samaria (surrounding states); and to the uttermost (foreign missions).
the surrounding region

Association of Independent Baptist Churches of Illinois
AIBCI is a voluntary fellowship of autonomous, independent, and Bible-believing Baptist churches united together to accomplish the Great Commission by planting churches in the state of Illinois. The Association aided in establishing MBC, and currently, MBC, through the association is actively supporting the Barber family as they plant a church in Shorewood, IL. Shorewood Baptist Church recently purchased their own building. MBC is committed to supporting the Barbers until the Church is self-sustaining.
Law & Grace Ministries
Law & Grace Ministries’ chaplains minister to criminals, victims of crimes, as well as to police officers and their families. Jim Stroup is the Staff Chaplain for 2 county jails in Illinois and is also the Midwest Regional Director of L&GM. Brother Stroup oversees several other chaplains throughout the Midwest including chaplains at the Milwaukee County Jail. Linda & Jim Stroup.
the surrounding states

Camp Joy
John Moore, Director Camp Joy provides “Fun with a Purpose” through their Christian camping ministry. Their primary focus is on youth camps, but they also provide camps for families as well as retreats and conferences for ladies, couples, men, senior adults, pastors & deacons.

Christian Law Association
David Gibbs, Jr., President Since 1969, the Christian Law Association has been providing free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and individual Christians who experience difficulty in practicing their religious faith because of government regulation or intrusion. Christian Law Association exists to preserve Christian liberty for our nation.

Operation Renewed Hope
Jan Milton, Director Operation Renewed Hope is a ministry of crisis response that was born in 1992 from the realization that, when people’s physical needs are met, it often unlocks the doors of their hearts to meet spiritual needs. ORH provides medical teams, construction crews & supplies to areas hit by natural disasters. They partner with fundamental pastors and missionaries already serving in these areas so that when ORH leaves, a Gospel witness remains.

Reaching America Baptist Partners
Paul D. Hoover, Director Reaching America Baptist Partners is a ministry devoted to helping start fundamental Baptist churches in inner cities. RABP is currently assisting a church in Minnesota.

Wings as Eagles Ministries
Captain Terry Rushing, Director Wings As Eagles is a mission air service that has been serving Independent Baptist Churches since 1984. WAE flies church mission teams to the field to help missionaries & pastors with evangelism & construction of church buildings. WAE also promotes aviation ministry & trains young men for aviation service as well as delivers Bibles, Christian literature & humanitarian supplies to remote parts of the world.
Jim and Carol Knakal
The Knakals lived in the metro-Detroit and began a career in the retail bicycle business which continued for the next 21 years. The Knakals served at Camp Impact in Germany from 2014 2021. In November 2022, Jim and Carol moved to Brigham City, Utah, populated predominantly by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), also known as Mormons. They are working alongside Zack Sigmon and his wife, Angie, and their two children. Another young couple plan to join their team in January 2023. Their goal is to rebuild Rocky Mountain Bible Church by God’s grace and for His honor and glory. Jim and Carol Knakal have four children and 12 grandchildren.
The uttermost
foreign missions

Bob & Margie Engelhart; Ivory Coast, West Africa
Baptist World Mission
Bob & Margie work with a church in Anyama, Ivory Coast (Africa) led by Pastor Max. Bob trains national pastors and travels with them to outlying villages to establish churches. The Engelharts recently established a Church and Christian Elementary School in the village of Donkoi, and they hold services in at least 6 other villages.

Rob & Tina Fruin; South Africa
Baptist World Mission
Ron & Tina Fruin are veteran missionaries who served in Siberia (4 years) & Cambodia (15 years). In Cambodia, they trained nationals in a Bible College they established in 2012 and planted a church in Takhmau, a suburb of Phnom Penh. Currently, the Fruins are using those same talents to train, teach, evangelize and plant churches in the country of South Africa.
Ruth & Ami Potter Manila; Quezon City, Philippines
Gospel Fellowship Association
Ruth Potter served in the Philippines for several years as a short-term missionary, but she transitioned to full-time status in 2015. Ruth is an accomplished musician who uses her talents to train Filipino nationals at Bob Jones Memorial College in Manila. She also heads up all music programs at the college throughout the year. Ruth’s grandfather, Wesley Potter, helped to start our Church.

John & Becky Knox; Japan
Biblical Ministries Worldwide
John & Becky Knox have been serving in Japan since 1987. They live 30 miles north of Tokyoin Moroyama where John serves as pastor of a church they planted. The Church owns and extensively uses a campground on the outskirts of the city for children and family camps. The Knoxes also teach English in their home as a means of evangelism and making new contacts.
Latin America
Jonathan & Wendy Latham (& Gloria); Monterrey, Mexico
Gospel Fellowship Association
The Lathams live in Guadalupe (near Monterrey) where Jonathan teaches both undergraduate and graduate level Missions, Bible, & Theology classes at the Christian University of the Americas (UCLA). To further their training, the Lathams partner with interns at UCLA to pastor New Life Baptist Church in Arboledas. Jonathan is also a pilot & flies to remote regions of Mexico to teach Bible Institute classes for pastors unable to leave their churches to attend UCLA.
North America
Joel & Sarah Arnold; Edmonton, Alberta
Gospel Fellowship Association
Joel and Sarah Arnold were blessed to grow up in godly homes and attend Bob Jones University for college and graduate school. After Joel completed a Ph.D. in theology from BJU in 2011, the couple began serving at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College in the Philippines. During COVID-19 lockdowns, education in Manila remained exclusively online. Joel maintained his teaching load at BJMBC first while taking a furlough, and then from Edmonton, Alberta, when the Lord redirected the Arnolds to help Bud and Debbie Talbert at Foundation Baptist College in January 2022. The Arnolds have enjoyed the abundant counseling and discipleship opportunities available at Meadowlands Baptist Church and are blessed to serve with their four children, Jeremy, Zachary, Caroline, and Joy.
South America
Juan & Rebeca Duráns (& Matías); Ecuador
Bethel Baptist Church, Mission, TX
Juan & Rebeca Durán are Mexican nationals serving in Ecuador. They work alongside Juan’s brother-in-law who is a veteran, church-planting missionary. Juan & Rebeca are both graduates of Christian University of the Americas in Mexico where Jonathan Latham (another MBC missionary) heads up the Missions Department.